Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hot Lava on a Hot Planet,

      This week, I read a news article posted in Science News for Kids on November 10th. It is about the new evidence that some of the volcanoes on the planet Venus might still be active. There are more than 1000 volcanoes on the surface of Venus, but most of them are very old and not active any more. However, recent information, got from the microwave radar recordings, show that some parts of surface on the northern part of Venus are hotter than the rest of the surface. Scientists from the University of California, Santa Cruz think that these hotter parts are actually lava which comes from active volcanoes and which has not cooled yet. Actually, this does not mean that the volcano eruption is happening right now, but that it happened during the last 100 years. And for the volcanoes, it is short period and they can still be called "active".

       It is very difficult to study Venus from Earth because it is surrounded by thick clouds. Telescopes on Earth can’t see through these clouds. Only information can be collected by some spaceship which flies around Venus and which goes behind these clouds. This is why we can not be sure if this theory about active volcanoes is 100% right.

1 comment:

  1. wow, very nice. great job stephan. how long did it taKE TO PHOTOSHOP THAT SHIT.
