Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Magic show

For our magic show, me and Mateja did two tricks. I was in charge of a experiment where milk turns into different colors. To see the trick click the link below
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hr6dZ6aWpF4. Mateja did a trick called instant snow. To see the experiment, search the link below :
Everything went nice except we wasted a lot of time emptying and cleaning the plate. The kids were excited for both for mine because it was nice and for Matejas because it was hard to believe, even I was amazed what happened.

  For my color milk this is why it does it: Milk has quiet big amount of surface tension which means it is pretty strong. That's why when we add food color it doesn't do anything. But, when we add soap it pushes the food color and milk to the edge.

You can do this at home.
WARNING: Do not drink the milk after the food color is added.

Monday, December 13, 2010


 For the solid, liquid gas part, when you add heat to all molecules they start to spread and move fast. When we take away heat, the molecules slow down.  They are all the same because they all do  he same thing. They are different colors. At room temperature neon is moving kind of fast. At 25K the molecules start to connect and slow down.
 For the phase change, the higher the pressure the faster the molecules move and spread. When we add pressure the molecules squeeze together to survive. When the pressure is too high the molecules expand and break the top and fly around.